Below is a list of all the fields related to the rewards you setup in your dashboard.


id integer
Unique identifier for the reward.

metric enum
The metric of current reward. Possible values are: amount, commission, coupon, custom.

campaign_id integer
The unique identifier of campaign of the current reward.

name string
The name of the current reward.

status string
The unique identifier of campaign of the current reward.

auto_issue boolean
Shows if current will be auto issued or not.

created_at date
Shows date when current rewards was created. Format: Y-m-d

type associative array

The type of reward.

type . label enum
Possible values: Standart, Recurring, Milestone

type . value enum
Possible values: standart, recurring, milestone

recipient associative array

Shows which user type will receive current reward.

recipient . label enum
Possible values: Person Referring, Person Invited

recipient . value enum
Possible values: person_referring, person_invited

method associative array

Shows the method how will be issued current reward.

recipient . label enum
Possible values: Tremendous, Stripe, PayPal, Webhook, Zapier, Issue Yourself

recipient . value enum
Possible values: tremendous, stripe, paypal, webhook, zapier, manual

currency enum

Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. eg: USD, EUR.


This property available when reward metric is: amount or commission

commission integer

Shows commission how much (%) from total spent will be reward. Range: 1-100


This property available when reward metric is: commission

commission_cap integer

Shows maximal amount for current reward.


This property available when reward metric is: commission

amount integer

Shows amount for current reward.


This property available when reward metric is: amount

period_type enum

Shows how often reward will be issued. Possible values are year, month, week and day.


This property available when reward type.value is: recurring

period_amount integer

Shows how many period_type should go to issue reward.
eg: If period_type=month and period_amount=3 means reward will be issued every 3 months.


This property available when reward type.value is: recurring

period_limit integer

Shows many times recurring reward can be issued.


This property available when reward type.value is: recurring

resumable boolean

Shows if reward should continue issuing if customer referral unqualified and then qualified back again.


This property available when reward type.value is: recurring

metric_amount integer

Shows number of custom reward will be issued.


This property available when reward metric is: custom

metric_name string

Shows name of what custom reward is.


This property available when reward metric is: custom